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Cyclist in Critical Condition after Contracting Flesh-Eating Disease from Saddle Sore


"We're pleased to share some positive updates on Ryan's journey towards recovery. He has recently been moved out of the ICU, marking a significant step forward in his healing process. Additionally, during a recent visit with his loved ones, Ryan showed resilience by taking his first short walk—a testament to his gradual but steady progress."

A Canadian cyclist is in critical condition after a severe saddle sore sustained while training in San Diego developed into a rare and life-threatening bacterial infection. 

Ryan Busto, 41, was prepping to race this year. Now, he is fighting for his life in the ICU at La Jolla San Diego hospital. The disease, necrotizing fascitis, is commonly known as flesh-eating disease. HealthLinkBC says it typically starts from an infection in a minor cut or bruise, although it can develop without an obvious skin wound or injury and, while exceedingly rare, it kills about one in four people who contract it.

A friend of Busto's, Tara Rosenberg, said that the disease quickly took hold of him and within 36 hours he was in the ICU. A A GoFundMe page has been set up to help with medical bills with a target of $500,000 CAD.

Click here for important information on how to prevent saddle sores.

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